金光集团(英文:Sinar Mas Group)由印尼知名华人黄奕聪先生于1938年创立,投资遍及亚洲、南北美洲、欧洲、大洋洲。集团拥有七大核心产业:制浆造纸、金融、农业及食品加工、房地产、能源与基础设施、移动通讯、健康医疗。
金光集团旗下的浆纸业公司APP(Asia Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.)创立于1972年,是世界纸业领导者,旗下数十家制浆造纸企业和100多万公顷速生林分布于印尼、中国等地。APP的产品和业务遍布160多个国家,涵盖林、浆、工业用纸、文化用纸、生活用纸以及各类纸制品。APP于1992年进入中国,已成为中国制浆造纸业的龙头。
金光在农业及食品加工业的业务主要通过新加坡上市公司AFP(Asia Food & Properties Co., Ltd.)开展。AFP作为印尼最大的棕榈油生产商之一,拥有世界规模领先的私营棕榈种植园。AFP在中国投资了家喻户晓的华丰方便面和大满贯食用油。
此外,集团旗下的Smartfren Telecom是印尼第一家提供4G LTE的移动通讯运营商;DSS、Golden Energy Mines、Berau等公司从事发电、煤炭开采和贸易。医疗保健是金光最新的业务支柱——其中Eka Hospital为印尼发展最快的连锁医院品牌之一,并于2023年正式进入中国市场,为中国消费者提供运动医学和运动康复等综合医疗服务。
总体目标:建立项目管理电子信息台账,在规划建设全过程中充分实现系统性的交互配合与协调,做到事项办理提醒、风险点及时提醒、过程事项办理实时提示、超期事项台账,以国家法规、项目管理制度、内控制度为依据,以项目工作流程为主干、电子台账为基础、协同工作为目标,将所有任务流程进行分解,并落实到部门、个人。逾期实时预警、基建档案资料全过程电子留痕,同时便于实现全过程实时监、管、控,高效实现全过程管理和考核。 同时形成项目管理大数据标准库,以标准驱动项目管理业务执行,最终实现项目数字孪生。
Overall goal: Establishing a digital information account for project management fully realizes systematic interaction and coordination throughout the planning and construction process to achieve event handling reminders, timely risk point reminders, real-time processing of process matters, and overdue matters accounts. Based on national regulations, project management systems, and internal control systems,with taking the project workflow as the backbone, digital information account as the foundation, and collaborative work as the goal, users will break down all task and allocate them to departments and individuals. Real-time early warning, electronic record-keeping throughout the entire process of infrastructure archives facilitates real-time monitoring, management, and control throughout the entire process. At the same time, the system will form a standard library for project management data base to drive project management business execution with standards, and ultimately achieve project digital twinning.
1、实现项目的合规管理 对项目管理过程全程纪实、环环留痕、同步监督、依法追责。对整个建设项目包括从立项批复到建成使用全过程中形成流程化的工程资料。
- Realizing compliance management of the project: The project management process is documented throughout the entire process, with traceability at every step, synchronous supervision, and legal accountability. The entire construction project, including the process of project approval to completion and use, is documented in a standardized engineering document.
2、实现项目的动态管理 包括动态投资管控、动态进度管控、动态质量管控,对整体项目的的完成过程,以动态化管理体系实时反应出项目的当前进展情况与出现的问题风险。
- Realizing dynamic management of the project: It includes dynamic investment control, dynamic progress control, and dynamic quality control. It reflects the current progress and risks of the project in real time through a dynamic management system for the completion process of the overall project.
3、为领导决策层提供可视化的数据分析和决策支持 为管理层提供单项目、多项目动态分析入口,以管理驾驶舱的形式,通过可视化图表展示项目执行过程中实时的关键指标,从项目进度、投资、现场等多维度推送项目信息,便于管理人员形象化、直观化、透明化、动态化掌握项目进展, 实现项目全周期穿透式管理。
- Providing visual data analysis and decision support for leadership decision-making: PMS will provide management personnel with a single-project and multi-project dynamic analysis portal, in the form of a management cockpit, displaying real-time key indicators during project execution through visual charts, and pushing project information from multiple dimensions such as project progress, investment, and on-site information, facilitating managers to visually, intuitively, transparently, and dynamically grasp project progress and achieve full-cycle penetration management of projects.